Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Store of Only Cook Books

Here in Paris, they revel in smalls stores that only sell one thing. Like a store that only sells tape. Or a pharmacy that only sells medicine (seriously, what's up with that? Where's my lipbalm? What if I need shampoo? A pack of gum?) Or a store that only sells children's shoes.

The same goes for bookstores. They specialize.

So, of course, I made my way to Librairie Gourmande, the bookstore that only sells books about food and cooking.

They even have a decent English section! I went with two friends from school who just found ourselves in the area where the bookstore is located. An hour later, we left the shop. 

However, in the back of the store, they have an "old books" section. Many do not know this, but I collect old cookbooks. Yes, I know it's weird and don't make me explain why because it makes no logical sense. I just like them. I find them interesting.

So, of course that was where I headed immediately to peruse. And, of course, one of the shop workers had just *happened* to set up her laptop and move-able office in the middle of the shelf making me reach around her to try and find books.

But, it was worth the awkwardness because they were amazing. And seemed decently priced- all about 50-100 euros. Then I found one basically about the Treatment of Obese Foodies from 1907. It had essays and recipes and was just about the coolest thing ever. And only 32euros!

Perfect. And with my student discount of 10%, it would be even less.

I take my prize up to the cash register. First, the old books don't count for the student discount. Second, it's not 32 euros, its 320 euros!! 

Did the King of France write it?!? Did Escoffier himself bless it?!?

Never-mind, Librairie Gourmande. You can keep that one. But I can't wait to go back and more casually and comfortably sort through the old books. Hopefully, I'll find one that can tempt my interest and my wallet.

I'll let you know when I do.

(No pictures of the old book section, the laptop lady worker scared me off. But next time, I will win!)

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