Thursday, May 9, 2013

Friends with Blogs Part 2

In my second installment of Friends with Blogs, I would like to direct your attention to two new (but super awesome) friends with blogs.  These are different blogs because they both include pastry!

The first blog is by one of my friends who is at LCB for cuisine AND pastry. Talk about a busy schedule!

Anyways, she is American and much better about posting, so I would definitely check out her blog at if you want to hear about our course on a more consistent and well done basis.

The second blog is by a friend who is just doing pastry. She has also traveled quite a bit (or at least more than me!) and has some pretty pictures from those trips. PLUS, she's pastry, so her pictures look amazing and very sweet.

She's also American and better at posting than yours truly. Here is hers!


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