Sunday, March 10, 2013


Well, I've been gone from here for awhile again! Seriously, where did February go? Oh right- school, interning, and travel-time.

So, some quick updates.

1. It makes me sad to think the last time I posted, it was about my stage (or internship). Well, unfortunately that is over already. No, I did not get fired, but instead, it turns out that I was in fact working for free illegally.

Basically, France has strict laws about working for free (socialist country) and I am not allowed to intern until after I graduate, so I got one solid month in until this was all figured out and now I'm out. "Auf wiedersehen, Au revoir!"

At first, I was pretty upset about the whole situation, but now that I've had a few days off and some more time to relax (before my big final especially), I do have to appreciate that France is trying to protect me. Even if they are not. Because, I've been reading a lot lately about the intern epidemic that is taking over DC and watching HBO's Girls and realizing how much more shitty the system of interning for 10 years before you ever get paid in your field is much worse than France not letting me get some experience for a few months. Well, a mix of the two systems might be best.

But I did learn a lot and the Chef will give me a recommendation in the future. So, it was definitely worth it.

2. FINALS: that's right. It's that time again. This Wednesday, I will enter the kitchen and choose a recipe out of a hat (literally) and cook it in exactly 2.5 hours for 45% of my grade for Intermediate coarse. So, we have been studying a lot in preparation for that event.

Yesterday, me and a group of friends went shopping for extra tools we may need. For example: a hook to pull the tendons out of a duck or guinea fowl, small meat thermometers, squeeze bottles for sauce, industrial wipes for plates and counters and stoves, molds for risottos/meat/flans/etc.

We have also been practicing in our own kitchens various potential dishes. Not to mention the hours going over recipes in various cafes and bars.

3. Finishing the course: We also had a written final, which according to my professional opinion was complete horsesh*t as the exam had little to do with what we have/had/are learning and all about random cheeses that no one has ever heard of before. Let me explain, as this course is all about the different regions of France, we learned the different traditional styles/dishes/produce/wines of each culinary region of France. Awesome. I like it! So, when we were told by other students to make sure to know the desserts/wines/cheeses of each region, we did just that! I can get behind that.

(A studying montage)

That's not what happened. Instead of choosing the main cheese known from that region, they asked us about practically unknown cheeses that none of us had ever heard of before. Because that's a fair testament to how good of a chef I could be.

Basically, they hate perfect scores. Well, they won- the highest grade out of 60 people was a 93 and  there were only 3 or 4 A's in general.

Besides that stupidity, we've just been cooking up a storm. Despite my early hesitance, I ended up falling in love with my practical/kitchen group. We were good at cooking, had no drama, worked well as a team, and the chefs liked us. Not every group gets that lucky.

Here we are on our last day.

(With the chef in the middle- yes there were only three of us girls, but we held our own!)

(Me and two of my best friends with one of the Chefs in charge of Intermediate cuisine after our last demonstration)

(At the end of our last demo, waiting for our complimentary glasses of champagne)

4. Student Party: Every course, there is a student party. It's a very fun night. Maybe too fun at times.

Here are some photos from that night:

(A group of us girls at the party)

(Drinks at the bar below my apartment before going over to the party. The waiter behind us is Vincent and the only waiter that I know the name of despite the fact that I live above them...)

(Some new pastry friends! We're crossing the divide!)

(Not sure what Alexis is doing- believe it or not he is a runway/photo model when he's not in class. But love these three very ridiculous people.)

5. Birthdays: February was full of them! Two of my closest friends here celebrated big birthdays this month. Here we all are at different events having a great time.

*Cheesy Alert: I really can't believe how lucky I have been in meeting the most amazing people while here. Whether at school or friends of friends, somehow I have been able to surround myself with people that inspire me while being a helluva good time. Ok- I'm done.

6. Weather: It is finally getting warmer in Paris! We have had a week of sun and decent temperatures! There was even a time yesterday when I didn't need to wear my coat!! Now, they are saying it's going to get colder again by the end of the week, but these few days of sun for the first time in 4-5 months has been amazing.

PS. it means my break dancers are back!

Anyways, that's about it that is interesting around here right now! Report back for more posts in the next few days- especially about the final and then (hopefully) GRADUATION!

Stay Golden,

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