Friday, January 4, 2013

Andddd We're Back

So, I apologize for my absence, but I have been on break and spent most of December either in London or Ireland (LOVED IT by the way. I think I was meant to be born of Irish descent because I am all about that country, but alas...) or with family/friends visiting in town and just did not really have time/means to update the blog. I will try to pop in a few bits about the past month over the next week or so. But anyways, today was my first day back at LCB post winter break. It was great to see some faces that I have not seen in awhile as well as many new ones!

For Intermediate cuisine, the curriculum is regional. So, this week is "Basque Region/Cuisine" while next week is Normandy and so on and so forth. It's quite cool actually as in our recipe binders, the first page of each section tells you a bit about the different regions as well as lists the best chefs and restaurants for the area/cuisine.

Today was a chicken saute basque-style. Luckily, it was a very similar recipe to the one that I made for the final, so I was ready. Well, kinda. There was of course that nervousness of having been on vacation for two months, but we floated back in pretty seamlessly.

My chicken turned out well- no complaints. As did my accompanying saffron rice. I didn't catch the chef say that anything wasn't seasoned or cooked properly.

Now I say "catch" because hahahahah funny joke, I'm the only NOT fluent french speaker in my class. Hilarious, right? Not so much. Add to it that I'm the only native English speaker and you got yourself a real good time. I think most of my class thinks I'm an idiot. (Maybe that's because I sometimes sorta dance while I cook? OR maybe it's the way I continue to butcher French...who knows?) ANYWAYS, when I invited everyone out to the bar after class, they all stared at me like I was crazy. And the chef told me that it's the first day, no need for the bar. I told him that being the first day meant that it was THE perfect day for the bar. (It's fine- this chef loves me, we're even facebook friends. I know, big deal.) But, I'm not worried. My charming personality will win them all over eventually.

So all in all, good day. I cut myself once (the blade was so sharp it just grazed my finger and bam, blood everywhere, but no pain) and a pretty intense looking burn on my wrist and burns on my middle and index fingers as well as my thumb. Yeah, I'm starting to look intense.

Anyways, it's good to be back.

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