Saturday, January 19, 2013


While in Dublin, we happened to try an ex-pop-up turned full time restaurant called Crackbird. I was most excited about Crackbird because they mainly do fried chicken. Yes. FRIED FREAKING CHICKEN. Something I am missing. Along with sunshine. Seriously Paris. Get it together and import some sunshine and fried chicken.

Then, I will be happy.

Anyways, Crackbird was delicious. Just look at the menu.

We enjoyed the buttermilk chicken (which I of course ordered), the carrot and cranberry salad as well as the spicy asian noodles (which are not on this menu).

Since it used to be a pop-up that was using an old chinese restaurant to house it, the decor is still asian-reminiscent in a black and red sort of way. With high tables and stools with drinks served in large class jars and the chicken in buckets. But, it works. Or maybe its the bottles of wine we got that worked so well. Not sure.

Anyways, the place was packed when we went and the servers were great. So, if (let's be serious, WHEN) I go back to Dublin, I'll be stopping here again. After breakfast at The Bakehouse, of course. 

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