Monday, January 7, 2013

You like Seagrass? Look, See-grass!

So, in classic administrative fashion, I am off basically this entire week. I have one demo on Wednesday morning and the following kitchen practical on Saturday.

That's it.

You may be thinking, "Didn't Elyssa just start again on Friday?" And you'd be right. Two days of class (Friday and Saturday) and LCB thinks I deserve another 2 week break (as I basically have the same schedule next week too).

Awesome Possum (that was sarcasm, I don't say things like awesome possum with enthusiasm).

Well, that and since I just found out that I get in to all the museums FOR FREE because I am a "French Resident under 25," I all of a sudden have a lot of touristy things to do!

Maybe I'll blog about them.

But, as promised, some posts about my trip to London and then Dublin.

Let's talk pop-up.

So, in London, we found out about this place called Seagrass, a pop-up housed in a 19th century Mash shop (that still operates during the day). It was a pre-fixe menu and BYOB. And to get to the bathroom, you literally walk right through the kitchen (totally sanitary, LOVED it, may have lingered a little too long).

Pretty sweet. You can look at a review here:
And the actual page here:

It was a pretty great night.

First, my friend L opened the champagne (she's pretty good at it), but as it was warm, the top flew off and nearly blinded one of the other guests. WHOOPS!

Then, it was the chef's birthday that night, so we all celebrated. Oh and that girl that L almost blinded? One of the chef's good friends. DOUBLE WHOOPS!

So, in conclusion, if you find yourself in London (Lord help you with THAT conversion rate. It's still nagging at me), check out good ole Seagrass. I had the crab bisque, duck, and chocolate dessert.

We brought 1 champagne and 3 (or 4?) bottles of wine for the 4 of us and were there for a good 3 hours, which was really rough on my tush-y as you can see that those benches are not very long!

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