Thursday, September 6, 2012

A quest for the ages

In quest of Internet:

When I arrived on Sunday morning, my landlady informed me (along with a lot of other difficult or impossible tasks) that the apartment did not have Internet and that I would have to go get it myself. She left the name SFR and Rue des Rennes on a piece of paper for me (she does not speak much English).

So after my first breakdown and taking a nap, I went in search of Rue des Rennes (remember I do not have Internet to find it in relation to me in this brand new city), but fortunately it is very close to me and I did find it. Unfortunately, it was Sunday and SFR as well as Orange and ALL phone/Internet stores were closed. So, I turned around and went in search of the electricity store- this will warrant its own post later.

Flash forward to the next day when I go back to a now open SFR. The guys there are very nice, but only one speaks English and he is busy. Have you ever tried to buy a phone/deal with a phone company in America? Now try doing that in French when you speak as little French as I do. It involves a lot of pointing and gesturing until the English speaker (and saying English speaker gives him a lot of credit, but he knows more English than I know French) can help.

Turns out, these companies are just as annoying here as they are in America. I can't get just Internet. Nope!  It comes with a phone and tv bundle! Lucky for me though, they are running a special deal right now! Awesome. I also can't get Internet or a phone plan (also discounted when i buy the internet!) without a French bank account. Double awesome.

So I walk to the nearest open bank (apparently some banks aren't open on Mondays). Now, have you ever dealt with a bank teller who just did not care. Now, she doesn't speak English either! Finally, she finds someone who does. Turns out, this bank can't sign me up for a student account, but she can get me an appointment at another branch on the next day, Tuesday that should be able to help me.

So, on Tuesday, I went to that new bank. And while the wonderful woman I worked with did not speak much English she spoke enough and truly tried to help me, staying past 5:30pm! She helped me in a lot of ways actually, but one of those was opening the bank account. She deserves a hug.

After working with her for over two hours, I went back to SFR. The English speaker was not working today, but the other guy was and now that I had the bank account, after more finger pointing and gesturing he signed me up for Internet!! But it takes two weeks for the technician to come set up the internet, and I cant get the cell phone until I have the credit card from the bank (at least a week).

Also, there's no money in my French bank account yet since I don't have Internet to transfer money...I also am paying 5€ more per month than the deal price (though it says I'm getting a reduction cost on the contract) and I didnt realize that until I got home, so I guess I'll be going back to figure that out sometime soon, too.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Until then, I'll be in Starbucks or that corner in the bar.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it sounds like hell. But, truthfully, isn't it sort of more fun to sit in a cafe in Paris to do your internetting than in your small apartment? Consider yourself a modern-day intellectual, order a coffee and croissant, and enjoy the view!
