Thursday, September 6, 2012

Recipe one: a rustic vegetable soup

First day report:

1. Two finger knife cuts in first two minutes of prep, none afterwards.
2. Chef complements my chopping form
3. Last in my group to finish
4. Good vegetable cuts, too large lardon cuts
5. Everything cooked perfectly
6. Too much fat on top of my soup (today's recipe)
7. Not enough salt

Not bad for a mild, rustic vegetable soup! But I will do better last time. I'm trying to soak up everything, sitting in the first row and preparing next to the chef (though this was not by choice and INCREDIBLY intimidating). My "partner" is the only kid in my group who doesn't speak English...oh, and he's the fastest/best in the class...but I like that in a partner. Challenge excepted.

Stocks tomorrow!

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