Monday, September 17, 2012

St. Sulpice

This weekend, I went to the St. Sulpice Church to see the Delacroix Murals. Being close to my house, it was an easy day trip. 

(Jacob wrestling with the Angel)

I love cathedrals. Outside of the church, in the square, there was a flea market open. I walked through it before walking into the church.

It was hot and loud and very bright. A little boy of no more than 10 stood outside his tent striking hard bargains in rapid-fire French while old ladies knocked each-other over to get to the 1euro bins.

But enter the cool, dark church and they all disappear. Instead, the organ booms overhead until your whole body shakes before it collapses into the sound of a single flute. And the Delacroix are beautiful.

But, so is the rest of the church and the people who built it and worshipped there for centuries. 

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