Monday, September 24, 2012

Like a Movie

So, this post is not at all about food. But, it is just SO Paris and SO from a movie that I had to share.

This past Saturday night, one of my friends from school celebrated his birthday (which was a week or two ago) by going to see one of his favorite DJ's, Nicky Romero, who was performing at a club on the Champs Elysees here in Paris. Now, me being American, I figured we roll in around midnight, stay until 2-2:30 and then go to sleep.

Apparently in Europe, they do it a bit differently. We did not leave until 1am and we stayed until 5:45am. Yes, the sun was rising when we left the club.

Also, apparently in Paris, club dress code is a little different. While in DC, everyone wears flats and a little black dress/skirt to a club, this does not fly in Paris. Heels are required and the fancier, the better. Luckily, I had chosen to wear little heeled boots instead of my flats and somehow made it into the club. Most of our group was not so lucky. And one of my friends got kicked out while in line for the bathroom when the "flats police" (or so I call them) came through.

While we were outside still trying to get the second half of the group into the club (even though we all had tickets! Seriously, how can you not let someone in who already has bought a ticket! As an American, I can not understand this), this guy noticed that I was speaking English and for some reason decided to start talking to me.

He was tall (and remember that I am 5'9 and in a heel), over a head taller than me and cute and British. Anyways, he tried to help us get everyone in, but when we all failed, he ended up joining what was left of our group. He bought my next drink and we danced all night.

When we all left the club at daybreak, he decided to walk me home. But we didn't go home. We walked around Paris, running up steps and sightseeing when there were no lines and the buildings weren't open. We got French hot chocolate and sat at a cafe as it was opening. Turns out, he is from Jersey, which I found out is one of the Channel Islands and had just finished a charity bike ride from London to Paris for child stroke victims as he was one.

At 10am, he went back to his hotel to meet up with the bike group to go back to England.

Anyways, maybe I'll see him again sometime. Maybe I won't. But, people have always told me that going to culinary school in Paris is so much like the movie Sabrina or Julie and Julia. I have never felt very much like Audrey Hepburn or Meryl Streep.

But running around Paris at 6am on Sunday morning with someone I met 5 hours earlier, is actually from a movie.

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